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All Our Rooms Create a Diverse and Inclusive Learning Environment

Little bunnies

Our Baby room, ‘Little Bunnies’, provides a safe, calm and warm environment that fosters children’s innate ability to learn from birth to twenty three months, where every effort is made for babies to feel loved and cared for. 

Newborn babies come into the world ready and eager to learn. They are geared to move, to find out about and explore their new environment and learn to communicate with those around them. 

Children learn most in the first five years of their lives.  It is therefore important that they are given every opportunity, from as early as possible, to develop a lifelong love for learning, by ensuring that the resources provided are stimulating and challenging.


As children learn best through play, we emphasise the necessity to work in partnership with the parents/carers, to ensure that we gather as much information as possible to lay down the right foundation.  We do this by providing activities that are planned around the children’s interests and stage of development.  This encourages the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning, which are Playing and Exploring, Active Learning and Creative Thinking, all of which start from birth.


In planning for the children, we take into consideration the different rates at which children learn, tuning into their uniqueness.  This is mastered through building healthy meaningful relationships, close monitoring and observations, working in partnership with external professionals and sharing information and knowledge with the parents/carers.


The baby room activities are set up to support the children's develop through the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum, paying particular interest to the three areas of learning and development. This is important for building a foundation to encourage and ignite the children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, while focusing specifically on the three Prime Areas; Communication and Language, Physical Development, and Personal, Social and Emotional Development.  

The prime areas successfully contribute to theories of attachment and the importance of developing positive relationships. 

The three prime areas of learning and development are particularly crucial for babies, contributing to building their capacity to learn, encouraging them while creating the roots for later success in the four specific areas of learning, which are; Mathematics, Literacy Development, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. 

Little Einsteins


Our Toddler and Preschool room, ‘Little Einsteins’, is thoroughly engaging and takes into consideration how children, from twenty four months to five years of age, thrive in an environment that nurtures their ability to solve problems, learn through peer to peer interaction, role modelling and quality teaching.  

Our Little Einstein learners have a flexible, but slightly structured routine to their exciting day, whilst learning through a wide range of fun and challenging activities. Your child's Key Person will work closely with you to plan activities which will provide continued learning and development for the needs of each child.

We have created a safe environment, where we encourage the children to become independent, make sensible decisions, feel safe to raise their fears and concerns, take calculated risks and feel valued and respected.

We take great pride in instilling an environment that teaches children the skills and attitude to enable them to have a more advantaged start in life, to place them in a better position to grow up and be effective in society, to encourage children to have a voice, to make meaningful decisions and to be confident individuals.  

We have a Student Council, led by the children, to ensure that the children’s voices are not only heard, but that their views and suggestions are implemented, to better the children’s outcome.

Each child is treated as a unique individual when applying our years of experience as educators in childcare, focusing on the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning and the EYFS Curriculum’s Seven Areas of Development. 

These areas are divided into Prime Areas, which are Communication and Language, Physical Development, and Personal, Social and Emotional Development, alongside the Specific Areas of Development, which are Literacy Development, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Art and Design. 

We cover the areas through play and planned activities based on the children’s interests and stage of development, in partnership with the children, parents/carers and external professionals.

The environment is set up both in the classrooms and outdoors, to support the children in reaching their milestones inclusively.

Little einsteins


Our preschool programme is packed with exciting and challenging activities and resources, preparing your child for the transition from preschool to reception stage. 

We provide an environment that supports the children's ability to express their own opinions whilst building their independence and self esteem.


The children's curriculum covers all the seven areas of learning and the children are given the tools to explore, to develop creative imaginative thinking and play experiences, while building their confidence to ask thoughtful questions and express their own opinions. 

They are also be given the skills to learn to share and co-operate, work together, take turns, participate in group activities, respect each other's differences, follow simple directions and communicate their wants and needs.

We enhance their learning opportunities by offering programmes such as Foreign Languages, Yoga, Multi-Sports, Music and Movement and many more, to help expand the children's knowledge and skills in different areas. This is achieved alongside our Early Years Educators, supporting and encouraging early reading, writing, maths and creative skills in an inclusive, nurturing environment.

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